European Sustainable Cities Summit – Brussels, Belgium – June 1-2, 2016

A new event is being launched: The European Sustainable Cities Summit. The event will take place on 1st and 2nd June 2016, in collaboration and in parallel with the European Business Summit at Palais d’Egmont in Brussels, Belgium.

The Summit will be a unique opportunity for cities governances, academics, funding partners, innovators and other cities stakeholders to meet and understand the opportunities available in place-making a city in which people and businesses can thrive.

The main driver behind the event is to create a neutral platform where cities can work more closely with business and other organisations so that they can harness the opportunities created by the “New Economy” and develop the strategies and infrastructure required to make cities fit for purpose in the decades to come.

Photo of Palais d’Egmont courtesy

Event website coming soon.

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