How to adapt Superfund sites to the climate crisis, making them more resilient to catastrophes and extreme weather events

Remedies at contaminated sites may be vulnerable to the implications of climate change and extreme weather events. EPA’s Superfund program developed an approach that raises awareness of these vulnerabilities and applies climate change and weather science as a standard operating practice in cleanup projects.

The approach involves periodic screening of Superfund remedy vulnerabilities, prioritizing the Superfund program’s steps to adapt to a changing climate and identifying adaptation measures to assure climate resilience of Superfund sites.

The web page linked to below shares information about approaches for adapting to climate change and building resilience to extreme weather at contaminated sites undergoing cleanup.

This information does not impose legally binding requirements on EPA, states, tribes or the regulated community, and does not alter or supersede existing policy or guidance for the cleanup of contaminated sites. EPA, federal, state, tribal and local decision-makers retain discretion to implement approaches on a case-by-case basis.

Photo courtesy of EPA.

See Superfund Climate Resilience web page.

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