Inclusive Urban Prosperity: Measuring the real economic health of American cities

Most cities, states, and nations are measured by the size of their economy and how much it grows from year to year.

But those kinds of figures tell you little about how average residents are faring. Just ask anyone who can no longer afford life in the economically booming San Francisco Bay Area.

The Brookings Institution, a think tank in Washington, DC, has a new ranking of the 100 largest U.S. metro areas that stacks them up along three different criteria: economic growth, yes, but also prosperity—meaning changes in the economic well-being of average workers—and inclusion—or changes in the well-being of all residents.

The Metro Monitor aims to advance new ways of measuring economic success in metropolitan America with in-depth analyses of regional economic trends.

Updated throughout the year, these analyses will seek to help leaders understand the factors and trends that contribute to or hinder progress toward increasing growth, prosperity, and inclusion and how new models of economic development can help deliver an advanced economy that works for all.

Tulsa, Oklahoma ranked #1 in Inclusion.
San Jose-Sunnyvale-Santa Clara, California ranked #1 in both Growth and Prosperity.

Photo of Tulsa, Oklahoma by fciman06

See full Fast Company article.

See full Brookings report.

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