Louisville launches revitalization of vacant historic eyesore

A vacant eyesore across from Iroquois Park will soon see the beginning of some revitalization efforts, according to Councilman Dan Johnson (D-21).

The old Colonial Gardens location, across from the Iroquois Amphitheater, has been called a prime economic development for south Louisville, Kentucky.

Colonial Gardens is a former entertainment complex in the Kenwood Hill neighborhood across New Cut Road from Iroquois Park in Louisville. Originally, it was a part of Senning’s Park–built in 1902–the site of the first zoo in Louisville.

A newsletter from the councilman’s office outlines the first steps of what will be a cleanup of the building’s exterior, installation of temporary lighting and a partial demolition of the “non-historic parts of the building.”

There have been complaints about how the building looks,” says Johnson. “But I continue to stress to the key players involved that there are things that can be done now to stabilize the facility and make the corner look better as we finalize the remaining details for the ultimate redevelopment of this historic location.”

See full article & photo credit.

See “Restore Colonial Gardens” Facebook page.

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