Puerto Rico Urban Water Initiative seeks funding to design resilient infrastructure

The ongoing water and energy crises in Puerto Rico present a significant opportunity for the planning and design of an innovative and sustainable water management systems to restore service in a more resilient manner to Puerto Rico’s urban environments.

A consortium of 3 nonprofit organizations will develop a holistic and integrated approach for potable water sustainability and urban water management in Puerto Rico. The approach includes rainwater harvesting, and integration of solar energy for water treatment and delivery at the decentralized/location level.

The research and educational demonstration project will be implemented in collaboration with the University of Puerto Rico – Mayaguez.

They now seek funding for:

  1. A seed grant ($2,000 – $2,500) for an exploratory visit to Puerto Rico to gather data/information and to establish partnerships for developing a project proposal. Project investigators will submit a seed grant proposal to interested individuals/entities; and
  2. A full project proposal ($150,000 – $200,000). Project investigators will submit a pre-proposal to interested individuals/entities for their consideration prior to submitting a full proposal.

Contact: Dr. Tamim Younos, Green Water-Infrastructure Academy
Email: tyounos@gmail.com

Photo of residents lining up for water in Puerto Rico by by Alex Wroblewski via Starbucks Newsroom.

See Green Water-Infrastructure Academy website.

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