Resource for Researchers: Here’s the U.S. National Estuarine Research Reserve System restoration project story map

In the United States, the National Estuarine Research Reserve System (NERRS) is a network of 29 reserves that supports consistent approaches to monitor and research ecological trends of estuarine habitat, and the social dimension influencing estuarine management.

The NERRS also implement standardized approaches to deliver science to decision makers through the NERRS Coastal Training Program and to K-college audiences through standardized education approaches.

The NERRS System-Wide Monitoring Program (SWMP) funds long-term consistent monitoring protocols at each Reserve. This data provides restoration practitioners with valuable information representing short term variability and long-term trends in both restored and natural habitats.

The NERRS Science Collaborative (NSC) funds research in the NERRS that support restoration practitioners.

The restoration projects highlighted in the story map linked to below depict sources of degradation; restoration strategies; monitoring strategies; outcomes; and lessons learned from marsh, dune, and upland projects conducted within the NERRS.

See NERRS restoration project story map.

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