Restoring Natural Capital: A climate restoration strategy

Anyone who’s paying attention knows that merely mitigating the rate at which we damage our global climate isn’t enough. To avoid getting to the point of no return (if we aren’t there already), only a focus on climate restoration will do. We need carbon negative development and technologies, not just low-carbon or carbon-neutral. Restoring the planet’s natural capital is a great way to do this.

Wetlands can buffer flooding. Coastal mangroves can diminish the impact of storm surges. Forests sequester carbon and filter water, while also addressing soil loss and erosion. Many other ecological features provide important “services” to businesses and societies alike.

Given these many natural capital-based benefits that societies — and many businesses — rely upon, investments in restoration and maintenance of well-functioning ecosystems should be considered along with other investments to ensure the resilience of both natural and built infrastructure — particularly within a climate change context.

See original article & photo credit.

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