RFQ: Redevelop tire factory & revitalize surrounding property in Akron, Ohio

The City of Akron, Ohio (COA), is issuing a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for the Firestone Building at 1200 Firestone Parkway, Akron, Ohio 44308, and adjacent property including the former club house (the “Firestone Development Property”)

Through a two-step qualifications and proposal process, the COA seeks to designate a Development Entity or multiple Development Entities with exceptional experience and capability to transform the Firestone Development Property into a thriving job-creation center that offers a collaborative environment based on job creation and neighborhood enhancement.

This selection process will lead to the designation of a Development Entity responsible for relocating the existing Bridgestone tire manufacturing center and to reutilize the existing structure or demolishing the structure to redevelop the Firestone property.

The ownership of the Development property will be transferred to the development entity.

Responses due by May 9, 2016.

See full listing & photo credit.

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