Stream restoration in Washington, DC wins award

The restoration of the Linnean Park tributary and the daylighting and restoration of Broad Branch are two linked projects located in northwest Washington, DC.

The goal of this effort was to restore in-stream habitat and improve the urban hydrology of these two tributaries that flow to Rock Creek through a combination of bioretention, regenerative stream channel (RSC) design, and stream daylighting.

The judges felt this was truly the Best Stream Restoration BMP in the Chesapeake Bay because it incorporated the following features: the recreation of a stream channel through the daylighting of a storm drainage system, integration with upstream BMPs to control runoff, commitment to post restoration monitoring through a paired monitoring design and finally it overcame the difficulty of working in an ultra-urban setting.

Three other stream restorations in the Chesapeake Bay watershed also won prizes.

See original article & photo credit.

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