WEBINAR – Soil, Carbon & Community: Regenerative Techniques, 9-15-2015

BALLE is offering a webinar called “Soil, Carbon & Community: Regenerative Techniques that Work” on September 15, 2015 at noon Pacific U.S. time.

Soil carbon sequestration is one of the most promising environmental and economic solutions emerging for food systems advocates, conservationists, and rural economic and community developers.

There is a growing body of science which shows that by modifying our agricultural and ranching practices to better pull carbon from the air into the soil, we can grow more nutrient-dense crops, increase water quality and retention, and significantly reduce the amount of carbon in the atmosphere.

The science is both compelling and inspiring – and simply knowing it is not enough.

In this webinar, social innovation strategist Nikki Silvestri moderates a discussion with rancher/investor Sallie Calhoun and rural community developer and restoration designer Euneika Rogers-Sipp about the science of soil, regenerative techniques to reduce atmospheric carbon, and the realities on the ground in America’s fertile Black Belt region, where rural, mostly black communities are finding new ways forward after hundreds of years of exploitive agriculture and economic development.

See webinar registration page.

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