This new report documents 3 years of progress made in Houston, Texas as they implement their “Resilient Houston” strategy

The city of Houston, Texas adopted the Resilient Houston strategy and Houston Climate Action Plan back in 2020 to provide a clear framework to foster the growth of a city that is a healthy place to live, and an equitable, inclusive, and affordable city that leads in climate mitigation and adaptation and offers a transformative economy that builds forward.

Over the past three years, the Mayor’s Office of Resilience and Sustainability, in collaboration with all City departments, has been heavily focused on implementation of both plans.

This report is a combined update detailing the progress made on major initiatives of both plans during the third year of implementation (2022-2023).

In addition to the key targets tracked (Resilience and Recovery Tracker),the city has had numerous successes this year and is continuing to make progress on projects, programs, and initiatives.

See complete report (PDF).

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