Three new reports explore strategies for reusing vacant industrial properties and revitalizing their neighborhoods

Finding new uses for old industrial buildings is a serious challenge in Detroit, Michigan, where many such buildings are no longer in productive use. The non-profit Detroit Future City discusses how to address this challenge in three recently-released special reports.

In Industrial Districts: Rethinking Strategies for Adaptive Reuse, Detroit Future City describes an array of repurposing strategies for vacant industrial buildings, tailored to Detroit’s unique needs.

A sister publication, Detroit Industrial Adaptive Reuse Initiative: Trends and Case Studies in North America and Western Europe, examines best practices in adaptive reuse projects across North America and in Western European cities.

These reports were developed in conjunction with a planning process involving the Milwaukee Junction neighborhood of Detroit; that neighborhood has a heavy concentration of industrial vacancy.

The resulting Milwaukee Junction District Framework Study, examines strategies for strengthening that area, with lessons from the other two reports in mind.

Detroit Future City’s partners in developing these reports were Vanguard CDC, LISC Detroit, and SmithGroup.

Our thanks to urban planner and REVITALIZATION subscriber Robin West Smith for alerting us to these new resources!

See Industrial Districts: Rethinking Strategies for Adaptive Reuse (PDF).

See Detroit Industrial Adaptive Reuse Initiative (PDF).

See Milwaukee Junction District Framework Study (PDF).

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