
GUEST ARTICLE — How to be a Soil Keeper: Restoring the Regenerative Capacity that’s Essential to All Living Systems

This New Jersey city is advancing equitable revitalization by redeveloping disinvested neighborhood with affordable housing

Resilient Prosperity for Mexico’s cities: Charting the path to a compact, connected, clean, inclusive economic & urban recovery

Robot Remediation: Underwater “Roombas” to find hundreds of thousands of chemical & nuclear “bombs” that are about to explode

Restoration Economy: New study shows that rewilding a landscape can boost jobs by 47% and greatly increase volunteer activity

GIANT Company partners with Pennsylvania’s Rodale Institute to advance regenerative organic agriculture practices nationwide

Philadelphia celebrates receiving $4.5 million to renovate their 348-acre, historic FDR Park, designed in 1914 by the Olmsted brothers

Surfers request $3 billion from U.S. Congress for coastal restoration plus $100 billion to renovate failing wastewater infrastructure

Drink this Chesapeake Bay restoration beer, and the Oyster Recovery Partnership will help 10 baby oysters find a good home

An Alaskan island’s wildlife, devastated for centuries by human-introduced invasive rats, rebounds dramatically after their removal

New “report card” says U.S. isn’t spending what’s needed to renovate infrastructure, which is crucial to revitalizing economy

How farmers restored their watershed and groundwater supplies by rejuvenating a traditional water management system

Biden administration sends $1 billion to state wildlife agencies through the Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Program

Biden administration allocates $260 million to create jobs, restore damaged tribal land and revitalize coal mining communities

A new Hard Rock hotel will adaptively reuse the historic, abandoned Gibson Mandolin-Guitar factory site in Kalamazoo, Michigan

The Democrats’ successful $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan includes $25 billion for the Restaurants Revitalization Fund

Demolition has begun on a $400 million mixed-use redevelopment project that local leaders hope will revitalize their city center

After public feedback, this New Jersey city approved the transit-oriented revitalization of 30 acres in a historically industrial area

Eight urban regeneration projects win €430 million to help revitalize the greater metropolitan area of Dublin, Ireland

Dominica’s bid to be world’s first climate-resilient nation—and an energy exporter—will advance with new geothermal plant

Restoration Economy: Reforesting the United States has created a vast, fast-growing number of jobs and business opportunities

In California, universities partner with the USGS, creating a new initiative to boost coastal resilience and adaptation science

A unique “Memorandum of Common Purpose” links a wetland restoration non-profit with a regional community resilience initiative

Newark, New Jersey creates a land bank to revitalize neighborhoods by renewing empty lots, abandoned buildings and blighted areas

In Oregon, two new coastal restoration projects could rebuild salmon harvests, equitably revitalizing tribes & communities

Cleanup and ecological restoration of this horrendous toxic dump in Ohio’s Cuyahoga Valley National Park is now complete

New $3.5 billion program will help Caribbean countries sustainably recover and bring about resilient prosperity in the region

From Cars To People: In San Francisco, 28 acres of ugly waterfront parking lots are being redeveloped & revitalized as mixed use

Cooperative agreement with state enables counties to take possession of long-vacant brownfields and revitalize their communities

Restoring Panama City mangroves—recently destroyed by city planners—will help ensure a safer, healthier, wealthier future for all